BMC TrueSight Operations Management - Veritas File System Monitoring

Release Notes for v2.2.00

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What's new

VFS-126: It is now possible to customize the VxFS log scan limit from BMC TrueSight Operations Management.
VFS-127: Veritas File System Monitoring now monitors each collector execution time through the following inactive attributes:
VxFS File Systems: FileSystem Exec Time, Fragmentation Exec Time, Quick I/O File Exec Time, Quota Exec Time
VxFS Logs: Exec Time

Changes and Improvements

VFS-112: Veritas File System Monitoring has been improved to support all PATROL Agent v10+ versions as well as BMC TrueSight Operations Management v10.x.
VFS-125: The status report file of Veritas File System Monitoring is now suffixed with the Agent port number to avoid overwriting it when multiple virtual Agents are used.

Fixed Issues

VFS-105: The Sudo configuration requirements have been updated in the Security Requirements chapter of the user documentation.
VFS-124: Invalid alarms were triggered on the Login Status attribute (VxFS Server)  when the Veritas File System Monitoring was unable to check the active node, during multi-node mode monitoring.
VFS-130: The main discovery cycle was irregular due to an asynchronous default KM discovery interval. It is now reduced to 30 seconds to avoid such irregularity.