Monitoring Studio KM for PATROL

Release Notes for v8.6.00

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What's New

New Features

Object Configuration Report: To generate an instant report on the configuration of monitored objects.

Entire Configuration Report: To generate an instant report on the configuration of all objects under the Monitoring Studio icon.

Report Scheduler Wizard: To schedule the generation of configuration reports for:

All objects under the Monitoring Studio icon
All (includes both options above)

Java Settings Wizard: Monitoring Studio 8.6.00 offers an easy way to set the path leading to the Java executable directory to be used when performing commands requiring Java features. You can access the Java Settings wizard in the Options menu of the Monitoring Studio main menu.

WBEM Queries Analysis Wizard: Monitoring Studio 8.6.00 now supports WBEM queries. A wizard guides you through the creation and settings of the WBEM query. The wizard is accessible from the New menu of the Application/Container icon.

Dynamic Object Builder: To monitor objects whose return output is dynamic by applying a set of user-defined rules to this return output data.

Set Alert Actions: An alert action enabling you to send an E-mail was added to the Set (Global) Alert Actions KM. This alert type enables you to make Monitoring Studio send an E-mail to a specific recipient when the related parameters go into alarm.

New Macros


%{PARENT_ID}:  ID of the object’s parent triggering the alert (the parent of a String object could be a LOG file, e.g.)
%{PARENT_LABEL}: Display name of the object’s parent triggering the alert
%{PARENT_CLASS}: Class (".KM") of the object’s parent triggering the alert
%{PARENT_TYPE}: Type of the object’s parent triggering the alert ("File", "OSCommand", etc.)
%{PARENT_<PARENTMACRO>}: Gets the parent's object of a macro.


Name of the service of an NT service class


%{MPF_CLASS}: Class of the PATROL object being monitored
%{MPF_ID}: Instance ID of the PATROL object being monitored
%{MPF_FORMULA}: User-defined formula used to rescale the parameter value


%{WBEM_HOST}: Name of host where the WBEM query is being run
%{WBEM_NAME_SPACE}: Namespace of the WBEM query
%{WBEM_QUERY}: WBEM statement sent for execution
%{WBEM_USERNAME}: WBEM execution username
%{WBEM_RETURN_OUTPUT}: Content of the result output of the WBEM querym


Returns the output of the dynamic object

Changes and Improvements

A new option was added to the Command Line Analyse Wizard (OS Commands). This option, named ExitStatus, enables you to determine if a command line has been properly executed by returning a predefined exit code. It also makes Monitoring Studio trigger an alarm when the execution conditions are not met. The parameter ExitStatus was added to the OSCommands Class.
The parameter ValueFound was added to the Numeric Value Extraction tool to detect if the specified value was found.
The KMWatch wizard was renamed Multi-Parameter Formula to reflect the new features it provides. The wizard now enables you to apply mathematical formulas to a set of parameter in order to obtain a meaningful result.
Database Query Analysis wizard now supports various connection methods (Command Line, JDBC and ODBC) to all database servers.
Numeric Value Extraction is compatible with the Dynamic Object Builder
Temporary Files Deletion: Temporary files are now automatically deleted when the PATROL Agent is restarted, and are also identified by the prefix SW_SENTRY
SNMP Polling: Once a week was added to the list of available polling intervals

Fixed Issues

Numeric Value Extraction: The "if using line numbers, skip blank lines" option was not properly applied to the file contents
SNMP Polling: SNMP Polling of string type occasionally returned truncated values
Threshold Management: Monitoring Studio KM for PATROL did not applies thresholds immediately when using the "Tuning" thresholds mechanism
JMX Polling: In some cases the java executable run by Monitoring Studio to perform a JMX polling would not be the one specified in the wizard but instead the one set in the $PATH
Real-time monitoring for once-a-day type collects: conflict that would occur between the configuration report scheduler and once-a-day type collects (even if only one of these features is used) preventing the collect to be performed at the scheduled time