Storage Capacity Views and Reports for BMC TrueSight Capacity Optimization

Release Notes for v7.0.00

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This version has been withdrawn.

What's New

The new view Hosts was created to group all the host-related information.
Overview type of tables can now be filtered by domain.
A new tab Vendors summarizes all the information available for storage system vendors (storage capacity, transfer, I/Os).
Data traffic is now provided in the Systems tab.

Changes and Improvements

The Storage Capacity view was renamed Storage Systems and simplified to only provide storage system information. Host information is now provided through the Hosts view.
All the related entities can be displayed using the Related information links.
Storage Systems Details Page:
The pie charts Volume Distribution and Capacity Summary were added to present the storage capacity per volume type and per capacity metric (ST_AVAILABLE_FOR_STORAGE_POOLS, ST_AVAILABLE_IN_STORAGE_POOL, and ST_CONSUMED_CAPACITY).
Controllers, Ports, and Disks information are now available.
Storage Pools Page: Pools can be easily filtered by type, saturation risk, and oversubscription risk.
Storage Pools Details Page: The Capacity Summary graph was removed.
Volumes Page: Volumes can be easily filtered by mapping status (Mapped/Not Mapped).
Volumes Details Page:
The Capacity Summary graph was removed.
Data traffic is now provided.