Veritas NetBackup KM for PATROL

Release Notes for v3.1.00

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What's New

NBU-961 - The status of the NetBackup media servers is now monitored from the master server through the NBU_MEDIASERVER_CONTAINER and NBU_MEDIASERVER application classes.

Changes and Improvements

NBU-665 - All Ksh scripts used in the KM for UNIX/Linux platforms, now support Bash as well. So if Ksh is not available on the target node, a softlink (/bin/ksh) to the Bash interpreter
(/bin/bash) can be used as a workaround.

Fixed Issues

NBU-671 - To avoid false alarms, calendar-based backup policies are now excluded from the calculation of the next scheduled backup, allowing the State parameter of the NBU_POLICY application class to remain in “Idle” state instead of “Not Started”. The “Not Started” state is only set for policies that use a frequency-based backup schedule.