
P1254: Exporting Single Blackout Configuration Only Saves the First Object to Blackout

Jan 03, 2012
Patch for Blackout KM for PATROL - Version(s) 1.2.00

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PSL library for Blackout KM for PATROL

Should you install this patch?

Apply this patch if you are using Blackout KM for PATROL version 1.2.00 and plan on exporting single blackout configurations.

What does it fix?

This patch fixes a problem occurring when exporting a single Blackout configuration. Only the first item in the list of objects to blackout was actually exported. This problem could potentially lead to partial blackouts when the exported configuration was applied to another PATROL Agent.

How to install the patch?

  1. Copy the following file to the %PATROL_HOME%\lib\psl or $PATROL_HOME/lib/psl directory on the managed server:
    • SEN_BO_mainkmcommands.lib
  2. Restart the PATROL Agent for the patch to take effect.
  3. Nothing needs to be installed on Console systems.