
P1598: SharePoint 2007 - Virtual Servers not Discovered

Feb 02, 2015
Patch for SharePoint KM for PATROL - Version(s) 2.0.00

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Patch content

Executable file for SharePoint KM 2.0.00 for PATROL.

Should you install this patch?

Apply this patch if you are monitoring SharePoint 2007 and no virtual servers are discovered.

What does it fix?

The executable file dedicated to SharePoint 2007 monitoring has been modified. SharePoint 2007 virtual servers are now discovered.

Note: This patch will have no impact on the monitoring of other versions of SharePoint servers.

How to install the patch?

  1. Copy the following file to the %PATROL_HOME%\bin directory on the managed server:
    • SEN_WSS_enumwebapps_detail.exe
  2. Restart the PATROL Agent for the patch to take effect.
  3. Nothing needs to be installed on Console systems.