
SWSY-3219: Nagios Performance Instances with Long Names are not Monitored

Jul 25, 2017
Patch for Monitoring Studio KM for PATROL - Version(s) 9.3.00

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Patch content

PSL library file

Should you install this patch?

Download this patch if you are using Monitoring Studio v9.3.00 and the Nagios Plugin monitor.

What does it fix?

Nagios Performance objects with long names were not monitored correctly and an error was displayed in the System Output Windows (SOW).

How to install the patch?

  1. Log in as default PATROL Agent user to the server where the PATROL Agent runs.
  2. Copy the following file to the $PATROL_HOME/lib/psl or %PATROL_HOME%\lib\psl directory:
    • SEN_MS_nagiosperf.lib
  3. Restart the PATROL Agent for the patch to take effect. Nothing needs to be installed on Console systems.