
SWSY-3280: Alert Actions Not Executed When Configured in CMA

Aug 09, 2017
Patch for Monitoring Studio KM for PATROL - Version(s) 9.4.00

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PSL library

Should you install this patch?

Install this patch if you wish to configure alert actions on monitors using CMA.

What does it fix?

When an alert action was configured in CMA, the alert action could not be executed and the following error message was displayed:

[ERROR] <my group> - <my host>: No command line found in the alert action

How to install the patch?

  1. Copy the following file to the $PATROL_HOME/lib/psl or %PATROL_HOME%\lib\psl directory on the server where the PATROL Agent runs:
    • SEN_MS_CMA2Classic.lib
  2. Restart the PATROL Agent for the patch to take effect.
  3. Nothing needs to be installed on Console systems.