
SWSY-3311: Unable to Connect to Microsoft SQL Server Database

Sep 29, 2017
Patch for Monitoring Studio KM for PATROL - Version(s) 9.4.00

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Patch content

Updated JDBC module connection with latest Microsoft JDBC driver.

Should you install this patch?

Apply this patch if you need to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database with the encryption enforced, or where NTLMv2 is required.

What does it fix?

  • The Database Query: Microsoft SQL Server now uses Microsoft's JDBC driver version 6.2.1 instead of the jTDS driver, which is now unmaintained.
  • SSL Encryption and Authentication options are now deprecated as they are handled automatically by the driver. While the options are still present in the UI, they have no effect on the behavior of the Monitor.
  • To use Windows-integrated Authentication, you need to specify new Credentials with empty username and empty password. In this case, the connection will be done using the PATROL Agent's default account.

How to install the patch?

  1. Uncompress the content of the following files to the %PATROL_HOME% or $PATROL_HOME directory on the system where the PATROL Agent runs:
    • for Windows systems
    • SWSY-3311.tar for UNIX and Linux systems
  2. The patch takes effect immediately, which stops the agent's operation until it is restarted. Nothing needs to be installed on Console systems.